Businessman Rupesh Pandey From Bihar With Charming And Pleasant Personality Who Is Enthusiastic – Amiable And Generous

Rupesh  Pandey born dated 18th August, 1992, young businessman from Bihar with Charming and Pleasant Personality who is Enthusiastic, Amiable and Generous.

This should be Noted that when there were already Banking & Non-Banking Services Existing in market which already had earned Name & Fame, It was very challenging to bloom out from it. However, with his firm determination to grow and provide the ease of ifinancial services to all who are in necessity, he works his fingers to the bone and accepted challenge to raise.

In a span of very short time and very young age his current remarkable net worth is 300 million USD. He is also contributing in social activities and spending his most time in serving the poor and Needy People.

Achievements: –

  • Dec 2021 – Dadasaheb Phalke ICON Award Films (DPIAF) 2021 – Young and Dynamic Businessman Award 2021
  • April 2022 – Green Cinema Award 2022 – Rising Businessman of the Year 2022
  • Oct 2022 – Champions of Change 2022 – Chandigarh
  • Nov 2022 – Pride of Bettiah – Bihar Gaurav Puraskar
  • Bihar – Forest Brand Ambassador
  • August 2023 – Dadasaheb Phalke ICON Award (DPIAF) 2023

Businessman Rupesh Pandey From Bihar With Charming And Pleasant Personality Who Is Enthusiastic – Amiable And Generous

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