Bollywood actor Man Singh’s latest series “Intezaar” now streaming on HotStar. This series was made under the banner of Sourya Music International Production. Series is
Month: January 2023

Actress Aasma Syed is a multi-talented person. She is proficient in every form of sports, dance, acting or art. She is also known by the

Ishrat Pathan is fond of singing and writing songs since childhood. The art of writing songs is in him since childhood. It is a natural

The beauty of Kashmir doesn’t only tales in its nature,tradition, art, culture,heritage and skills but now a days youth of Kashmir is accomplishing incredible in

Youth of Jammu and Kashmir is super talented and this fact can not be denied ,since we keep you updated with stories of Icons across

फिल्म शिव शास्त्री बलबोआ को रिलीज के लिए बस कुछ ही दिन बचे हैं और फिल्म की स्टार कास्ट जमकर अपनी इस वंडर फिल्म का

Actor Anupam Kher and the team of Shiv Shastri Balboa treated Mumbai Dabbawallahs to a sumptuous lunch as an ode to the goodness of the

अभिनेते अनुपम खेर आणि शिवशास्त्री बल्बोआच्या टीमने मुंबई डब्बावाल्यांना भरभरून जेवण दिले, जे डब्बावाल्यांच्या चांगुलपणाचे प्रतीक आहे, जे संपूर्ण मुंबई शहराला अखंडपणे खाऊ घालतात. अभिनेता

Kreesha Khandelwal, Raju, Shabana’s One Hope Studios grandly inaugurated at Oshiwara, Mumbai on the occasion of Republic Day with celebrity guests like music composer Dilip

ACP Sanjay Patil, ACP Bajirao Mahajan, Abhijit Rane, Dilip Sen, Ismail Darbar, Singer Ritu Pathak, Anil Kashi Murarka, BN Tiwari, Dr. Yogesh Lakhani got the

गणतंत्र दिवस पर पूर्व एसीपी मुंबई पुलिस की बेटी, श्री दत्तात्रेय भरगुडे, दादर (पश्चिम) मुंबई में स्थित डॉ. भाग्यश्री के ब्रांड न्यू डेंटल क्लिनिक एंड इंप्लांट

Noida: An International Spiritual Conference took place at Marwah Studios designed by World Peace Development and Research Foundation under the leadership of Dr. Sandeep Marwah

फिल्म शिव शास्त्री बल्बोआ के पोस्टर से निकली एक खूबसूरत बला, आंखों में चश्मा लगाए, चेहरे पर शरारत सी मुस्कान भरे, जिंदगी को बिंदास अन्दाज

भोजपुरी फिल्म इंडस्ट्री के एकमात्र ऐसे निर्देशक, जिन्होंने जब भी कोई फिल्म की मेकिंग किया तो सबसे अलग और बड़े कैनवास पर किया। जी हां!

Avak Films who are making their debut in Bollywood has announced the film Laal Rang 2. Actor Randeep Hooda returned his character sequel of the

A glitzy `Aqua Divine Swimwear Fashion Show’ – organized by Aneebee Entertainments – warmed up a very happening Kolkata evening as foreign and Kolkata models scorched the

बॉलीवुड की मशहूर ऎक्ट्रेस संगीता तिवारी एक और जबरदस्त म्युज़िक वीडियो “केसरिया” लेकर आई हैं। मुम्बई के रेड बल्ब स्टूडियो में इस गाने के लॉन्च

अशोक प्रसाद अभिषेक एक मल्टी टैलेंटेड व्यक्तिव के मालिक हैं एक तरफ जहां वह एक आईटी प्रोफेशनल हैं, वहीं वह फ़िल्म निर्माता भी हैं, साथ

The prestigious Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar National Contribution Awards 2023 at Raj Bhavan Mumbai saw Shri Bhagat Singh Koshyari Honourable Governor of Maharashtra, present the Dr

Launched for adrenaline junkies that love military equipment and engineering, as well as explore travel, culture and cuisine, Chandigarh’s own Uday Singh takes you on

If Ustad were a man, Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan or Akshay Kumar would have died to play his role! Sadly, Ustad was only our

Mumbai-based documentary photographer Padma Shri Sudharak Olwe’s Firefly, an exhibition of photographs, artefacts and performance, on ‘Lavani’ – a traditional dance form of Maharashtra opened

भारतातील प्रख्यात बॉक्सर मेरी कॉमने मुंबईतील द अॅक्टर प्रीपेअर्स येथे ‘शिव शास्त्री बल्बोआ’ चित्रपटाचे पोस्टर केले लाँच. या चित्रपटात अनुपम खेर, नीना गुप्ता, जुगल हंसराज,

जानी मानी बॉक्सर मैरी कॉम ने अनुपम खेर स्टारर फ़िल्म ‘शिव शास्त्री बालबोआ’ के पोस्टरों को आज मुम्बई के अंधेरी स्थित ‘एक्टर् प्रीपेरस’ में लॉन्च

MC Mary Kom unveiled the posters of Shiv Shastri Balboa, an inspirational film of a common man with uncommon adventures starring Anupam Kher, Neena Gupta,

In this golden era of music videos, an album song “Dhuan Dhuan” has been recorded. Composed by music composer Vivian Richard, the video of this

भारत की अग्रणी इलेक्ट्रिकल सामान कंपनी पॉलीकैब इंडिया लिमिटेड (पीआईएल) ने इलेक्ट्रीशियन कम्युनिटी को मान्यता देने के लिए एक कदम आगे बढ़ाया है। कंपनी ने

From: 20th , 21st & 22nd January 2023 DCP Expeditions presents DCP Annual Photography Exhibition 2023 VENUE: The Bombay Art Society K.C. Marg, Bandra Reclamation Opp. Rang Sharda

New Delhi: Sandeep Marwah is associated with large number of films, Television, media, social, cultural, educational, national & International organizations. He has been instrumental in

Rianna has worked in television shows. Also acted in the Bengali film ‘Bujhena Tu Bujhena’. Along with acting, she is also doing modeling. She was

The harvest festival is celebrated with pomp and show across the country. It is a fun-filled annual celebration that people avidly wait for. Traditional sweets,

“They tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds” a very beautiful quote written by Dinos Christianopoulos. Crime doesn’t pay, but we’ll sure

भोजपुरी सिनेमा की पॉपुलर एक्ट्रेस काजल यादव की सामाजिक कुरीति व कुप्रथा पर आधारित भोजपुरी वेब सीरीज ‘हमार कनिया माई’ का पहला एपिसोड ‘जेपी स्टार

किसी फिल्म की सफलता में फिल्म से जुड़े कई टेक्नीशियन का हाथ होता है। जिसमे से सबसे ज्यादा अहम भूमिका निभाते हैं फिल्म के आर्ट

Sarfaraz Ahmed Batt Celebrated Youth Icon from Jammu And Kashmir Alias Raja Sarfaraz from District Doda ,an Actor ,Writer , Director, and Social Worker. His

—-Raja Sarfaraz Kashmir Is now a Days not only overwhelming With Beauty but Craftsmanship as well. We Always Come across the inspirational stories of People

The bays of Mumbai are all set to welcome the panache of 50+ Art Galleries and 550+ Independent Artists at the Nehru Centre in Worli

12th January, Kolkata, 2023: The 24th CABLE TV SHOW 2023 Kolkata – one of the largest trade shows on digital cable television, broadband and OTT in

इस अवसर पर शानदार केक काटकर सिंगर और ऎक्ट्रेस आशिका कुंदनानी का बर्थडे भी मनाया गया. सिंगर आशिका कुंदनानी का पहला म्युज़िक वीडियो “रांझणा” मुम्बई

Gorgeous and Bold Pictures Of Model Xishmiya Brown Model Xishmiya Brown Gorgeous and Bold Pictures

भव्य प्रोग्राम में इस सॉन्ग लॉन्च के अवसर पर मानव सोहल, अभिनेत्री अरशीन मेहता, श्रावणी गोस्वामी, कांचन पगारे, उर्मिला शर्मा, निर्माता मुकेश शर्मा, निर्माता अर्पित गर्ग, को प्रोड्यूसर साहिल

Recorded an item number ‘Mashallah’ in the recording studio in the voice of singer June Banerjee. The lyrics of this song have been written by

रूपेश पॉल की बॉलीवुड फिल्म ‘एमबाप्पे’ की शुरुआत नैनीताल के रिसॉर्ट शहर नैनीताल में हो रही है. राजपाल यादव, हेमंत पांडे, ज्ञान प्रकाश, सुचित्रा पिल्लई,

“WEE – Women Entrepreneurs Enclave” organized “WEE’s Networking Meet & Pre-Christmas Celebrations” on 22nd December at Country Club, Mumbai. The Chief Guest for the Event

Miss Glamourface World-Best Ambassador Queen ANGEL TETARBE Celebrated New Year 2023 In New York City
HELLO everyone .. Wish u all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023. Have fun with loads Of Happiness and Success in life. Enjoy with Your

I am Anjali Sharma an Indian artist I am 21 years old and my height is 5″5 and I have done many ramp shows and

Anupama Chakraborty Srivastava is a well known singer. She has been singing Nationally and Internationally for many years. In the field of singing itself, she

THE Y (Rating-4.5/5) A perfect psychological horror, crafted the script well and the director nailed it. an appreciable debutants’ attempt. Actors have performed exceptionally well